Pedaling Towards A Greener Tomorrow

Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2020


In the wee hours of a Sunday morning, members of DSC KIIT were up and getting ready for a cycling event. A 25 km course was laid out by our mentor, Prof. Kumar Devdutta, around the outskirts of Patia, Bhubaneswar.

With safety-gears and a pocket full of determination, members proceeded towards fun and endorphins filled morning as we firmly believe that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

As the wheels turned towards the highway, an icy wind greeted the cyclists. The fog tried to blind everyone’s spirits but there’s no stopping a team full of motivated developers.

Cycling Into The Unknown

Adventure, companionship, and a friendly atmosphere; that’s how we completed the 15 km mark. As the heat increased and the lung-burning sensations of a hard climb began to kick in, we took a break at a roadside stall to rest and replenish with a cup of tea.

The last leg of the journey was a straight road with scenery that makes your heart melt accompanied by a light breeze. Wide-open spaces and the morning sun affirmed our commitment towards a greener future.

Long Road Ahead

While the agenda was to focus mainly on health and going green, it also helped in team building and forming common bonds. The team rode together from start till the end and left no man behind while constantly supporting and encouraging fellow members.




Loves programming languages as well as natural ones